Arthritis and osteoarthritis are two pathologies that affect the musculoskeletal system, that is, the joints. The etiology and pathogenesis of these diseases are different, but the end result is the same: damage to the joints (cartilage tissue, meniscus, intra-articular structure and tendon-muscular corset) with inflammation of the soft tissues, violation of the anatomical structure and physiological. destruction.
Separately, these pathologies represent: arthritis is an inflammatory process, with the participation of a certain group of enzymes, the purpose of which is to destroy the connective tissue of the joints. Osteoarthritis is the destruction of the joints, that is, irreversible phenomena with total or partial deformation of all the joint components with limitation of the biomechanics of the organ. In the exclusion of these pathologies plus the implementation of adequate prevention, it is necessary to know everything about arthritis and osteoarthritis, what is the difference to treat.
Specificity, difference and causes.
The difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis is as follows: arthritis can be eliminated with medication and osteoarthritis with medication plus surgery and only after eliminating the main cause such as concomitant diseases, metabolic disorders or injuries. Joint inflammation or arthritis can occur after mechanical injury, prolonged walking or vertical loading. The process involves any joint (upper and lower extremities plus all the joints that make up the chest and spine) with a single or paired injury. Inflammation attracts not only the joint components, but also all layers of the surrounding tissues, this fact depends on the depth of the injury. With high-quality treatment, inflammation is removed and cartilage tissue is gradually restored.
Destructive pathology of the joints or arthrosis can only be stopped after treatment of the underlying disease or correction of metabolism or hormonal composition. The disease consists of partial or complete abrasion of the cartilage plate. The exposed bone is covered in osteophytes, which create excruciating pain when moving. In addition, the joint loses its biomechanical ability, this is often the fault of the patient: he tries to save the diseased joint, which quickly stiffens. It is this fact that explains the difference between osteoarthritis and arthritis: with arthritis, the ability to move returns to the joint (unless the anatomical structure of the moving organ has been altered due to an accident or an inflammatory infectious disease ), and with arthrosis, the physiological ability to move is partially restored in first-degree injuries, and at an advanced stage - only surgically.
Causes leading to the development of arthritis and arthrosis:
- Arthritis is caused by: mechanical injuries (bruises, blows, open and closed type fractures with or without the participation of a microbial infection), constant physical activity (running, walking, jumping, lifting weights) and physical-chemical factors ( a sharp drop in temperature with hypothermia or overheating of the joints). Allergies and intoxications are also included in the group of causes that cause the disease. In childhood, arthritis is the result of beriberi and reduced immunity, as well as frequent injuries, especially of the joints of the lower extremities.
- Osteoarthritis has a wide range of causes, namely: hereditary connective tissue diseases, increased history of allergic reactions, autoimmune diseases, a rheumatic component, metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, chronic liver and kidney diseases, as well as changes in the hormonal composition of female and male hormones (estrogens and androgens). Sarcoma or carcinoma is one of the malignant neoplasms that lead to a destructive process in bone tissue and cartilaginous plates. Intoxication of the body with poisons or increased radiation is a clear mechanism for the development of arthrosis.
Important! After diagnostic manipulations, it becomes clear where arthritis and arthrosis are, what is the difference and how to treat it. Folk remedies can drown out the inflammatory process, but it is impossible to get rid of the disease, so consult a doctor!
Symptoms of joint diseases.
Clinical symptoms: what is the difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis
Arthritis | osteoarthritis |
Inflammation of the joint with its local redness + edematous enlargement. | Inflammatory processes spread not only to the diseased joint area, but also to the surrounding soft tissues with a violation of the anatomical design of the joints. |
Pain syndrome: stabbing pain when walking and at rest. | The pain has a varied character: throbbing, sharp and aching. Partially collapses with a certain posture. |
Temporary restriction of movement (full or partial immobilization). | Permanent restriction in movement. Plus: saving or facilitating provisions are characteristic. In the last stage of the disease, the joint is completely paralyzed (it is impossible to unfold, bend and rotate the joint). |
An increase in temperature over the affected joint. | The temperature above the joint is normal (36. 6 degrees). With destruction involving infection or nerve pinching, the body temperature rises to 37-38 degrees, especially at night. |
Radiating pain to neighboring organs and systems, depending on location | Characterized by irradiation of pain. |
With a microbial infection, an increase in body temperature up to 38-39 degrees is observed. | Infectious agents rarely bind. |
Climate change does not affect the diseased organ. | Painful joints react to weather conditions. |
The patient has pain in a joint. | With arthrosis, several joints or the entire musculoskeletal system may ache. |
Attention! When the first symptoms of inflammation appear in the joints of the fingers, it is not necessary to endure the pain and wait for the deformation of the joints; this will lead to irreversible processes in the form of anatomical changes and physiological disorders.

To the question: "arthritis and arthrosis, what is the difference in the fingers? ", There is a reliable answer: a weakening of the grip of the fingers, a decrease in their sensitivity, and excruciating pain during physical exertion that does not go away. after a night of rest. Treatment is only medical.
The difference between osteoarthritis and arthritis of the knee joint is as follows: in arthritis, the pathology is eliminated after a course of treatment according to the therapeutic regimen, and the biomechanics of the joint are restored after rehabilitation . In case of arthrosis, depending on the degree of damage, biomechanics is subject to partial restoration only after a surgical operation with correction of the joint structure.
These pathologies affect all joints, including the joints of the toes. Arthritis and osteoarthritis what is the difference between the fingers of the feet and those of the hands? The fingers of the lower extremities undergo the same changes as those of the hands: inflammation, swelling and pain. In osteoarthritis, the joints suffer destruction and deformation. The anatomical shape changes, when moving, a sharp or aching pain is felt. It is difficult to step on, after a long walk, the pain does not stop. He collapses only after an injection of a painkiller.
similar and different events
Similarities of joint pathologies:
- Origin of the pathology (joints).
- Symptoms with a clinical picture.
- Diagnostic studies.
- Preventive actions.
- Recovery period.
- Pharmacological treatment, exercise therapy and physiotherapy.
- Forecast.
Distinguishing factors:
Arthritis | osteoarthritis |
It has an acute and chronic course. | Chronic degenerative character. |
I have a joint pain. | Joints are affected in pairs or systemically. |
The pain syndrome completely disappears after medical therapy and rehabilitation. | The pain will always be present, giving way only with a certain position of the body and the administration of strong analgesics. |
Both adults and children get sick. | Pathology is typical for older people or patients with chronic diseases that occur with hormonal disorders or with changes in metabolism. |
Pathology is most often characteristic of the ankle and elbow joints. | All joints are affected at the same time. |
It is a separate disease. | It is a consequence or complication of concomitant chronic diseases. |
Temporary restriction of movement. | Permanent limitation of joint biomechanics. |
The disease has a certain etiology: trauma or stress. Rarely there is poisoning or an allergy of the body. | Changes related to age or chronic diseases. |
Rehabilitation is short without exacerbations. | Rehabilitation is long with exacerbations. |
Patients often ask themselves the question: which doctor treats arthritis and arthrosis? With such pathologies, you need to contact a traumatologist, a rheumatologist (if the pathology is of a rheumatoid nature), or a surgeon. Before consulting with such doctors, you must be examined by the attending physician at the clinic at the place of residence, conduct laboratory tests (general and biochemical), take X-rays in three projections, MRI and CT scan. Then take a referral for further consultation by specialists in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
medical tactics
Having found some symptoms in themselves or having an already established diagnosis in their hands, all patients are looking for information: "Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis with drugs. "This is the correct tactic, but the treatment should be prescribed only by the attending physician and under the strict supervision of him.
Arthritis - treatment
The therapeutic tactic begins after a thorough instrumental and laboratory examination. It depends on the form and stage of the pathology, so the method of treatment is chosen individually, namely:
- drugs that relieve pain from cider, up to drugs from the narcotic group, depending on the intensity of pain;
- nonsteroidal drugs;
- drugs of the COX1 or COX2 group (non-selective enzyme inhibitors) are prescribed;
- antispasmodics;
- muscle relaxants;
- chondroprotectors;
- vitamins: B12, B1, B6, A, D, PP;
- antioxidants: vitamin C;
- drugs that increase immunity;
- desensitizers;
- massage therapy and exercises.
Reduction of physical activity, exclusion from the diet of excessive consumption of salt and pepper, fried foods and fatty foods, as well as alcohol and smoking are integral components of therapeutic therapy. In diabetes - strictly follow a diet and take drugs that regulate sugar levels.
Important! For the effective treatment of arthritis of any etiology (including the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis), a vitamin drug is recommended. It contains a certain dose of B1, B6 and B12.
What is the essence of the effectiveness of vitamins B1, B6 and B12 in the treatment of arthritis? Thiamine relieves pain by reducing nerve excitability. Pyridoxine: stimulates the sphingolipids of the nerve fibers, also increases the level of metabolism of the musculoskeletal system, improving the metabolism of amino acid components. Cyanocobalamin: acts on brain neurons, improves the production of red blood cells.
Arthrosis treatment

Several points are added to the specified scheme for the treatment of arthritis, namely:
- strong analgesics to relieve pain;
- corticosteroid drugs;
- novocaine blockade;
- intra-articular injections of drugs that restore cartilage tissue;
Surgery is the best treatment option. First of all, this method of treatment removes the destructive components of the joint, artificially increases the substance that replaces the cartilage. Secondly, arthroplasty of the diseased joint is performed. The rehabilitation period after surgery depends on the volume of the postoperative area and the individual physiological capabilities of the body.
For both pathologies, local treatment with ointments + gels based on analgesics, hormones and chondroprotectors is recommended. You do not need to ask yourself the question "arthritis and arthrosis, what is the difference from the treatment of ointments"? These drugs are prescribed for both diseases.
Folk remedies for arthritis and arthrosis.
As soon as any joint is inflamed, everyone begins to look for information: arthritis and arthrosis, what is the difference between treatment with folk remedies. Arthritis or osteoarthritis allows you to include some folk remedies in the therapeutic regimen. But! These healing substances are used only in parallel with complex therapy. They are able to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation. Traditional medicine is powerless to completely eradicate the disease.
- Propolis tincture: dissolve 50 g of propolis in 100 ml of vodka, leave for a week. The tincture rubs the sore joints 3-5 times a day. The course of treatment until complete recovery.
- Garlic tincture: Pass 5 large heads of garlic through a meat grinder, add a tablespoon of honey and 50 ml of pure alcohol. Insist 10 days. Rub sore spots 2 times a day. After rubbing, put a bag on top and leave it for an hour.
- Caucasus Hellebore: a tablespoon of hellebore powder + a tablespoon of honey + a tablespoon of mustard powder and melted lard. Mix well and leave in a warm, dark place for 10 days. Then use it as an ointment.
- Birch buds - pour 200 g of dry powder of birch buds in 0. 5 liters of boiling water, insist for a day. It is recommended to drink 50 ml once or twice a day before meals.
- Burdock root tincture - crushed root is poured with a liter of vodka, infused for a month. This tincture cleanses the joints.
Preventive measures are aimed at preserving the cartilage layer plus the functionality of the joint throughout life. To do this, do the following:
- Consider a nutritious diet, excluding fried, fatty + spicy, as well as salty foods, alcohol + nicotine.
- Use natural chondroprotectors in the form of jellies and jellies.
- Constantly being examined.
- Avoid heavy physical exertion.
- Be careful, excluding joint injuries.
- Do morning exercises, run, swim.
- Perform daily exercises for the joints of the extremities.
- Constantly drink vitamins.
- For preventive purposes, take chondroprotectors, calcium, potassium and other minerals once every six months.
- After a joint sprain or mechanical injury, be examined by a doctor.
Osteoarthritis and arthritis are related diseases, so everyone should know what is arthritis and osteoarthritis, what is the difference between what to treat. Both pathologies cannot be completely cured, especially arthrosis, which leads to immobilization of the joints. But, timely treatment will help to eliminate disability and live a full life. And we must remember that folk remedies are not the main, but auxiliary drugs, which have their advantages after complex treatment.